Newish Pond, New Friends, and Great Fish - Part 2
I fished this pond in January when it was frozen over. I returned to find the weather was too warm for ice, but since I have the equipment for ice fishing, I will give it a go anyway. Turns out to be a great day. I made some new friends and caught several fish. Enjoy the show.
Newish Pond, New Friends, and Great Fish - Part 1
I fished this pond in January when it was frozen over. I returned to find the weather was too warm for ice, but since I have the equipment for ice fishing, I will give it a go anyway. Turns out to be a great day. I made some new friends and caught several fish. Enjoy the show.
Low Water, High Fish Count, Part 2
With the Honey Worm on the weighted float, the fishing heats up. When you find what they are hungry for, the fishing quickly improves. I also discovered that I must be patient and wait for the second strike to get a good hookset. Trying to set the hook on the first strike resulted in miss after miss. Waiting for that second strike improved my hooksets to nearly 100%.
Low Water, High Fish Count, Part 1
Back at the local stocked pond. The water level has dropped to winter levels, and the cold weather is setting in. The fish are still hungry, especially when I find what they are hungry for. Things heat up after the last and biggest fish in this video. Come back next Saturday for the fast and furious conclusion.
Fishing in the Rain
New year, new season. Welcome to Season 4 of Wandering Idahoan Fishing! I’m here at McDevitt Pond again, but the rain is coming down hard. Does it affect the fishing? What baits and rigs work best? Let’s dive in and see what the rainy weather brings.